Getting a Grip on Scapholunate Ligament Injuries

Topic: Scapholunate Ligament Tear

Greetings colleagues,

Welcome to the Hands-On The East Bay Newsletter, which summarizes key topics in hand surgery for providers on the front lines. I'm Dr. Jesse Dashe, an orthopedic hand surgeon at the East Bay Hand Medical Center.

What defines a Scapholunate ligament injury?

A scapholunate injury refers to damage or tear to the scapholunate ligament, a band of strong, fibrous tissue that connects the scaphoid and lunate bones in the wrist.

What are the prominent causes?

- Acute trauma, often due to a fall on an outstretched arm

- Chronic strain or overuse injuries, for instance, in athletes involving repetitive wrist actions

Which symptoms are often associated with these injuries?

- Wrist pain, typically localized at the dorsal side

- Clicking or snapping sensation during wrist movement

- Weakening grip strength

- Swelling and tenderness over the back of the wrist

What diagnostic approach is required for a Scapholunate ligament injury?

- Detailed clinical examination including specific ligament stress tests

- X-rays, to look for a widening scapholunate gap or rotary subluxation of scaphoid

- CT or MRI scans can provide a definitive diagnosis by depicting ligament pathology and associated bone injuries

What is the suggested treatment approach for such injuries?

- Nonoperative: wrist immobilization with a splint or cast, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for symptom control in minor sprains

- Operative: Arthroscopic debridement and/or repair of ligament, reconstructive surgery in severe cases or chronic instability

- Timely orthopedic referral is essential to prevent long-term complications like ScaphoLunate Advanced Collapse (SLAC) wrist

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to refer any patients. You can refer patients at or by using this link:

If you need to reach me directly, please respond to this email or email me at [email protected].

Please contact me so I can come by your facility to meet face-to-face and/or give presentations, splinting sessions, etc.

Lastly, let me know if you have any other hand topics you would like covered in the future!
