Management of Holiday Crafting Injuries

Topic: Management of Holiday Crafting Injuries

Greetings colleagues,

Welcome to the Hands-On The East Bay Newsletter, which summarizes key topics in hand surgery for providers on the front lines. I'm Dr. Jesse Dashe, an orthopedic hand surgeon at the East Bay Hand Medical Center.


What Types of Crafting Injuries Are Commonly Seen During the Holidays?


  • Lacerations from scissors or cutting instruments.

  • Burn injuries from hot glue guns.

  • Puncture wounds from needles or sharp crafting materials.

  • Repetitive strain injuries from prolonged crafting activities.


Best Practices for Initial Management of These Injuries?


Initial management includes:

  • For lacerations: Proper wound cleaning, assessment of depth, and suturing if necessary.

  • For burns: Burn severity assessment, cooling, and dressing. Referral for severe burns.

  • For puncture wounds: Wound exploration to rule out foreign bodies, tetanus prophylaxis, and appropriate closure.


Key Indicators for Referral to Hand Surgery?


Consider hand surgery referral for:

  • Deep lacerations involving tendons or nerves.

  • Burns with significant depth or involving critical areas like joints or flexor surfaces.

  • Puncture wounds with suspected retained foreign bodies or deep structures involvement.


Tips for Patient Education on Preventing Crafting Injuries?


Important tips include:

  • Safe use of crafting tools.

  • Regular breaks during prolonged activities.

  • Immediate care and consultation for any hand injury, however minor it may seem.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to refer any patients. You can refer patients at or by using this link:

If you need to reach me directly, please respond to this email or email me at [email protected].

Please contact me so I can come by your facility to meet face-to-face and/or give presentations, splinting sessions, etc.

Lastly, let me know if you have any other hand topics you would like covered in the future!
